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Why Choose Helen Eason Physiotherapy?

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I qualified as a physiotherapist in 1996. During my early career in the UK, the experience of working with sarcoma patients ignited my passion for working with oncology patients.


In 1998-2004 I was the lead Breast Care Physiotherapist at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust (also treating Musculoskeletal acute and chronic pain both in primary and secondary care settings) I qualified in lymphoedema management and in 1999 co-founded the North Tyneside General Hospital Breast Cancer Related Lymphoedema Clinic.


In 2000 I gained a Diploma of Orthopaedic Medicine with distinction, and completed the Lymphoedema Certificate (MSc module) in Chronic Oedema Management at the University of Glasgow with Margaret Sneddon.


I have undertaken numerous oncology courses including fascial release and the 160hour Vodder course in manual lymphatic drainage massage (MLD) in 2007. In May 2017 I became one of the first Australian therapists to qualify in providing Fluoroscopy Guided MLD.


I combine my musculoskeletal skills and oncology and lymphoedema training to provide a comprehensive assessment and treatment to obtain the best possible outcomes for my patients.


I am qualified to undertake custom made garment measurements for Varisan, Jobst, Medi, Juzo, Haddenham, Ofa Bamberg and Venosan.


On relocation to Australia in 2004 I was the clinical lead and manager of Breast Cancer Physiotherapy / Oncological Lymphoedema Unit Manager at Monash Health for 11 years. was Vice president of LPEGV 2009-2010. I chaired the National Lymphoedema Practitioner Register committee of management 2015-17.


I am passionate about providing evidence based practice for clients, and for championing for equitable services for all lymphatic disorders. Lipoedema sufferers across the world have poor access to evidence based practice. I have always been interested in the developing research evolving in this field, and putting this into practice with my lipoedema caseload. In 2018 I was encouraged by Professor Neil Piller to take this interest a stage further by undertaking lipoedema research myself. This has evolved, and I am currently a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney, researching assessment tools for lipoedema.


I keep updated with the latest research into cancer treatment, lymphoedema, lipoedema and exercise with regular attendance at International conferences. I have presented internationally on various oncology physiotherapy and lymphoedema subjects at the 2010 British Lymphology Society Conference, The 22nd International Congress of Lymphology 2009, the 2014, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2022 Australasian Lymphology Association Conferences and Lipoedema Australia 2018 and 2022 conferences. I teach the lipoedema Module for the RBWH lymphoedema course and am an examiner for Lymphoedema Education Solutions.


I am a member of the following organizations

  • Australian Physiotherapy Association

  • Australasian Lymphoedema Association

  • National Lymphoedema Practitioner Register

About my logo.


My logo for Helen Eason Physiotherapy incorporates the Celtic tree of life (Crann Bethadh).


In Celtic legends of the Gods, trees provide healing, shelter, and wisdom.


Spirals within the design represent cycles of life and rebirth or reincarnation.


Originally hailing from Northern England near the Scottish border, and having Scottish and Irish ancestry, I felt that this was the perfect symbol to represent what I hope to achieve with my clients – a place of healing and wisdom.


Over 24 years specializing in oncology and lymphatic disorders I have witnessed many clients re-evaluating their lives. Many make radical life changes following treatment which can be seen as a rebirth.

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